Acting for Film vs. Acting for Stage

I will never forget the first time I acted on camera. My agent had brought me in to work on a commercial  read. With only two to three years of theatrical experience, I walked in and did what I was accustomed  to on stage…umm…whoops. Poor, naive, eight-year-old me was completely unaware of how “big” my  audition had been.

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Let’s Talk About It

In honor of May being Mental Health Awareness Month, I wanted to take the time to discuss a bit of my own journey, while also creating a space for others to share and find comfort in Unscripted – a place of no filter, reflection, hope, and of course, my path to the live theatre and entertainment business.

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Three B’s

If this is your first time reading, Hi! I’m Bridget- you can find my first blog post here where I introduce myself and explain where my passion for arts and entertainment (i.e. theater) stems from. 

Well, now that you know how I got to where I am and what I do, I’d like to talk a little more about who I am. 

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My Adventures In Theatre Land

Though I have now lost count of the number of times that I have tried to leave the orbit of the theatre, something always seems to drag me back. Ever since I, as a pre-teen, emerged entranced from my very first Broadway show, nothing has ever quite managed to eclipse my passion for it, nor has any supposed change in priorities kept it from taking center stage in my life.

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Making Waves

For most of my adult life, I have firmly believed that everything happens for a reason. Maybe it’s the native Floridian in me that came up with the following analogy, but I always remind myself to ride the universe’s waves and whatever wave I get at the time is for my best interest.

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23 and Me

As a marketing professional somewhere between a young millennial and an old gen-z, one thing is for sure: I grew up in an incredible generation for arts and entertainment. I am lucky to have grown up in an evolving era of rapid change and growth, and it helped me quickly adapt to change and learn to accept it at an early age.

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