To Swing or Not To Swing? ‘Disney’s Frozen’ Dustin Layton and Jessie Peltier Discuss the Thrilling Ups and Downs of a Life of a Swing

To swing or not to swing… that is the question. Broadway claims that swings are the most in-demand performers in the industry, yet there seems to be a lack of them. Why is the most in-demand role in theater struggling to find actors to fill them? The answer is intimidation. This job is not for the weak, it is made for those looking for a thrilling challenge. 

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Eat, Drink, & Be IRISH

As you may or may not tell from my name, Bridget Leigh Callinan, I come from a mostly Irish heritage, with a little mix of Irish-English in there. My mom, Norma Jane O’keefe, comes from a complete Irish background and my dad, Richard William Callinan’s, ancestry comes from an Irish-English background. The picture below shows the family tree from my fathers side, further proving my love for the Irish culture. I don’t know if my love comes from the knowledge of my ancestry, the Americanized St. Patricks Day holiday, the accents, or the drinks (snakebites, and Irish-car bombs).

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