Are the Carbonells Still Relevant?

It’s a good question.

In the wake of awards organizations such as the Golden Globes, the Academy Awards, and the Tonys all facing diminished ratings — not to mention suffering public relations nightmares such as a lack of diversity and inclusion in their nominations process — are the Carbonell Awards waning in significance? 

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Acting for Film vs. Acting for Stage

I will never forget the first time I acted on camera. My agent had brought me in to work on a commercial  read. With only two to three years of theatrical experience, I walked in and did what I was accustomed  to on stage…umm…whoops. Poor, naive, eight-year-old me was completely unaware of how “big” my  audition had been.

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Let’s Talk About It

In honor of May being Mental Health Awareness Month, I wanted to take the time to discuss a bit of my own journey, while also creating a space for others to share and find comfort in Unscripted – a place of no filter, reflection, hope, and of course, my path to the live theatre and entertainment business.

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