In the wake of awards organizations such as the Golden Globes, the Academy Awards, and the Tonys all facing diminished ratings — not to mention suffering public relations nightmares such as a lack of diversity and inclusion in their nominations process — are the Carbonell Awards waning in significance?
Elijah Gee is a distinguished pianist, producer, and musical director who impeccably balances teaching music by day and performing live on weekends and evenings.
To say that it’s been a challenging year for the theatre may be a rather profound understatement. But as we head into the 2021-2022 season, things are slowly making their way to something closer to normal, and South Florida theatre is gradually kicking back into gear.
How do you do theatre when it’s next to impossible for people to gather safely? It’s a question that has vexed theatremakers worldwide as they’ve searched for ways to make ends meet and satisfy their urge to create despite the raging pandemic that has stifled stages worldwide.
Marcie Gorman knows a thing or three about overcoming adversity. Still, when the pandemic hit during preparations for MNM Theatre Company’s 2020 production of “Cabaret,” she admitted its effect left a devastating impact.
Actor/vocalist Wayne LeGette has experienced much – and learned even more – during 35 years of stage performances, portrayals in front of TV and movie cameras, and speaking before a microphone for voice dubbing.
I will never forget the first time I acted on camera. My agent had brought me in to work on a commercial read. With only two to three years of theatrical experience, I walked in and did what I was accustomed to on stage…umm…whoops. Poor, naive, eight-year-old me was completely unaware of how “big” my audition had been.
As a child, I grew up watching tons of movies. It was because of movies, I was introduced to musicals. Musicals turned movies get some flack in the theatre world.
In honor of May being Mental Health Awareness Month, I wanted to take the time to discuss a bit of my own journey, while also creating a space for others to share and find comfort in Unscripted – a place of no filter, reflection, hope, and of course, my path to the live theatre and entertainment business.