After all the initial panic, I’ll admit that one of my first thoughts on being mostly-entrapped at home for the foreseeable future was: Great! I can finally finish revising my thus-far-singular attempt at a full-length play!
I then proceeded to do just that…. for exactly one day. Since then I’ve only worked on it in brief and fleeting increments despite the fact that and I HAVE LITERALLY been putting this task off for a good THREE YEARS.
(Then again, in that three years I did manage to get a master’s degree, complete 2 internships, write a 300-page memoir draft, get my first real-person job, and start a theatre blog…)
Meanwhile, during the past week, instead of revising my play, I’ve:
Gotten drunk (but only twice!)
Done a questionable amount of YouTube yoga
Written a frivolous short play for the Quarantine Bakeoff
Gone to the pool/hot tub an average of twice a day
Written a blog post
Gone to Wendy’s (but only once!)
Edited a draft of my friend’s novel
Binge-watched at least one full season of Nip/Tuck (naturally, while playing copious amounts of Candy Crush)
Started researching/drafting ANOTHER blog post, not even counting this one…
Written a list of and some brainstorms for other potential blog posts, most of which I will not get to for MONTHS
Checked social media incessantly
Paced aimlessly in a somber, melancholic daze
Read Things on the Internet (45 percent coronavirus related, 45 percent theatre related, 10 percent miscellanea)
Finally started reading an actual book (this may or may not be because my eyes were getting sore from all the screen time…)
Contemplated getting a dog
Watched the news (that’s almost responsible, right?)
Gone grocery shopping
Eaten a whole container of Halo Top in one sitting (twice….)
Briefly scrolled LinkedIn and Indeed without actually applying to anything or making serious plans to do so
Met with some friends to brainstorm a guerilla online sketch show (I concede that this one may have been slightly idiotic, but we’ve suspended all in-person interaction for the time being)
Gone to Dunkin Donuts (in my defense, it was free donut day…)
Made a list of things I’ve done instead of revising my play
Made a list of Suggested Showtunes for Strange Times (aka life-threatening worldwide epidemics…) and organized them into three sub-categories, possibly because putting things into categories gives me an illusory sense of control in a world in which most of us have no control at all. Also possibly because it was just a lot easier than, you know, ACTUALLY WRITING. Thus…