Get Ready For Your Big Show-Stopper Number With Playbill’s 2023 September Horoscope

This post was originally published on Playbill - Features

Written by: Yoanna Nikolova, Jeffrey Vizcaino

Well, someone tell me when is it my turn?! With three major shifts this month, September has a lot in store from work to family. As the Fall creeps in, find out which Broadway show-stopper you’ll relate to this Virgo season.

♍️ Virgo ♍️

(August 23 – September 22)
“Me and the Sky” | Come From Away
After a tough couple of months in communication, you’re back, Virgo! As Venus in Leo goes
directly into your 12th house of solitude, you’re starting to feel more yourself than you might have
throughout the summer. It also helps that this month is your birthday! Make sure
you’re taking time for yourself and recharging your battery before going out with others. You
won’t want to burn yourself out trying to see everyone who calls upon you. As Jupiter goes
retrograde in your ninth house of travel, it will start to feel business as usual for you. Congrats,
you made it through the summer!

♎️ Libra ♎️

(September 23 – October 22)
“Barry’s Going to Prom” |
The Prom
September holds a lot for you, Libra, even in quite a contradictory way. You won’t want to make
any rash moves, as planetary alignments affect crucial placements, but you’ll be filled with
energy that makes you want to dance. Venus in Leo goes directly in your 11th house of
friendships, meaning you’ll strengthen your key friend group and even find new individuals to
embrace. (Maybe the Dee Dee to your Barry?) However, with Jupiter (the planet of growth) going
retrograde in your eighth house of career, you’ll feel a little stuck at work. This all works out, though, as Mercury goes direct in your 12th house of solitude, meaning you’re taking the time to be introspective and learn about yourself.

♏️ Scorpio ♏️

(October 23 – November 21)
“I’m Not a Loser” | SpongeBob SquarePants, The Broadway Musical
Scorpio, you’re very goal-oriented this month and the planetary stations will help facilitate that
for you. With Venus in Leo going directly into your 10th house of career and status,
you’ll start to see improvements in your status in your workplace. Your colleagues will see you
for your hard work and accomplishments and you may start to build deeper relationships with
them. Either way, make sure to nurture that. Take every opportunity you can to get to know
those in power around you as they can boost you up, especially this month.

♐️ Sagittarius ♐️

(November 22 – December 21)
“A Brand New Day” | The Wiz
Work dominates your month, Sagittarius. But make sure not to take it too far
and overwork yourself. When things are going well, you have a tendency to get excited and
burn yourself out. Take your time and pace your activities this month. Take the time to pursue
travels, hobbies, and studies outside of your everyday routine. Your popularity will also reach a
high for the year as Mercury goes direct in your 10th house of popularity. Everybody rejoice!

♑️ Capricorn ♑️

(December 22 – January 19)
“Move On” | Sunday in the Park with George
Even with a slower summer, you’re in need of a break, Capricorn. As the New Moon in Virgo falls
in your ninth house, you’re already thinking about your first vacation for the fall. Instead of
making elaborate travel plans that could ultimately stress you out more, consider a staycation!
Find peace and comfort at home away from screens and maybe surrounded by like-minded
Earth signs. Make yourself available for new networking and business opportunities but don’t
feel pressured to attend everything that falls on your calendar.

♒️ Aquarius ♒️

(January 20 – February 18)
“Brotherhood of Man” | How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying
Aquarius, amorous feelings are in store for you this September as you’re feeling more altruistic!
This comes due to Venus in Leo going direct in your seventh house of partnerships (business
and romantic). Congregate with work colleagues this month, attend more brainstorms, and
contribute your unique perspective to those in your workspace. You’ll see that people find you
more knowledgeable and charismatic than you may believe yourself to be. Long story short,
you’ll find yourself in that benevolent brotherhood this month!

♓️ Pisces ♓️

(February 19 – March 20)
“I’m Here” | The Color Purple

You’ll feel more in your power this month, Pisces, but don’t let that confidence lead you to rash
actions. With numerous planetary shifts this month, pause before tackling major decisions
such as moving, large purchases, or career changes. As Venus goes directly into your sixth house
of routine, you’ll be feeling more organized or streamlined in your workflow than you may have
been. And with Mercury turning direct in Virgo in your seventh house of partnerships, you’ll be
able to approve (and maybe even repair) damaged or lost relationships.

♈️ Aries ♈️

(March 21 – April 19)
“Gimme Gimme” | Thoroughly Modern Millie

Aphrodite won’t forget you this month, Aries! When Venus goes direct in your fifth house of
romance on September 3, don’t be surprised if people you might have previously dismissed
come back with renewed interest. You’ll find relationships with family and friends easier this
month, as well. Additionally, when the New Moon in Virgo enters your solar sixth house of health
and routine, you’ll become more organized and regimented in your everyday life. It’s something you
might be craving after a fun summer.

♉️ Taurus ♉️

(April 20 – May 20)
“You’ll Never Walk Alone” | Carousel
Two big planetary movements bring you a peaceful September. Harmony in your family and
personal life are in the stars as Venus goes directly into your fourth house of home. This means you
can find yourself spending more quality and enjoyable time with family, or hosting friends at your
house this month. Either way, you’re more in your element than you were during the summer.
Jupiter, the planet of expansion, goes retrograde in Taurus on the fourth. This is your sign to rest
and spend time at home. Whatever new plans you have can wait, take a breather.

♊️ Gemini ♊️

(May 21 – June 20)
“Fly, Fly Away” | Catch Me If You Can
Gemini, this is not the month to be rash! Important planetary shifts will take place this month that
force you to glean all information you can before running away with your emotions. You’re
feeling romantic and free as Venus in Leo goes direct and communication with your family
improves as Mercury goes direct in Virgo. You may be dreaming of a getaway this month with
loved ones and you’ll be able to clearly plan those out. You’ll be feeling inspired, empowered, and light.

♋️ Cancer ♋️

(June 21 – July 22)
“She Used to Be Mine” | Waitress
It’s not simple to say, Cancer. But with the New Moon in Virgo in your third house of communication, you’ll
be more eloquent and clear in your conversations with people. This can lead to new business
deals, roles in your life, or opportunities you thought were unavailable to you. Additionally, when
Venus goes direct in Leo in your second house of finances and possessions, you’ll be able to raise yourself back up. Whether it’s a new pie dish or a larger purchase, like a new car or furniture, it’s your turn.

♌️ Leo ♌️

(July 23 – August 22)
“You Coulda Knocked Me Over With a Feather” | Some Like It Hot
Charm and charisma are the name of the game this month, Leo! When Venus (in Leo) goes
directly into your third house of communication, you will feel like you can talk to anyone about
anything, maybe even flirt a little! Your view on life will shift to that of warmth and excitement,
bringing new people into your inner circle and opening up your romantic prospects. Use your
charms to your advantage this month and meet up with colleagues and higher-ups to improve
your work life as well. The person that you’re lovin’ is you!

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